All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

New Congressional, State Senate and House of Delegates district maps now available online

Charleston, W.Va – New district maps approved by the WV Legislature have now been signed into law by Governor Jim Justice. Federal law requires redistricting to take place in each state immediately following the ten-year population census conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.

To see the Legislature’s new maps of the state’s districts, visit the WV Secretary of State’s election website at

“It is important that voters be aware of the new districts, who they will be represented by, and to identify their precinct locations for the 2022 elections after the beginning of next year,” said Secretary of State Mac Warner. “West Virginia now has two congressional seats and there are new boundaries for every State Senate and Delegate District.”

Warner said that his office is working with all 55 of the state’s county clerks to help educate voters on the new districts and possible polling location changes. 

“The process that the counties use to implement the new districts will be done in a transparent and public manner according to existing law. Public notices of proposed local changes will be communicated using a combination of posted meeting notices and Class II-0 legal advertisements inviting community feedback and participation,” Warner said. “County Commissions have until January 22, 2022 to update local precinct and magisterial boundaries ahead of the May 10, 2022 Primary Election.”

All voters whose precincts or polling places are affected will be mailed an updated Voter Registration card before the May 2022 Primary Election. Once completed in early 2022, voters can also check their registration and polling location at

“As the County Commissions update the boundaries that impact voters’ polling locations, I invite the public’s involvement in the process,” Warner advised. “A key part of involvement is educating yourself on possible changes and to simply update your voter registration if necessary, which can be done anytime online at”

Since the last Census in 2010, West Virginia lost more than 60,000 residents, which amounts to a 3.2% loss in total population. As a result, West Virginia lost one of its seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, taking us from three to two seats. At one time, West Virginia had six members in the US House of Representatives.

The WV House of Delegates had the additional responsibility of designing 100 single-member Districts for the 2022 election cycle. The new alignment was a result of both the US Census reapportionment as well as a recent WV law that eliminated multi-member districts throughout the state. Warner is advising the public that information regarding the upcoming 2022 elections including candidate filing and a complete calendar of campaign deadlines can be found at

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