All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

WCMH employees and medical staff happily pose with the hospital’s new 2019 Dodge Ram EMS vehicle. The 4WD unit was recently added to the fleet and is well equipped to safely transport county residents, even in inclement weather conditions. Through the effort of a community fundraising campaign, the hospital hopes to add a second replacement EMS vehicle later in 2020.
WCMH employees and medical staff happily pose with the hospital’s new 2019 Dodge Ram EMS vehicle. The 4WD unit was recently added to the fleet and is well equipped to safely transport county residents, even in inclement weather conditions. Through the effort of a community fundraising campaign, the hospital hopes to add a second replacement EMS vehicle later in 2020.

New 4WD ambulance arrives in time for inclement weather transports in Webster Co.

WEBSTER SPRINGS, W.Va. – Webster County Memorial EMS has added an additional 4 wheel-drive vehicle to its fleet that will be able to handle rough weather and terrain. The 2019 Dodge Ram brings up-to-date, life-saving care to county residents.

“The new ambulance ensures our first responders are able to safely transport patients throughout Webster County, even the more rural areas,” said EMS Director Scott McCourt.  “It is 4 wheel-drive and outfitted with enhanced features that will benefit both patient and our staff.”

“The Board of Directors determined it was time to replace two of the older ambulances,” said WCMH CEO Jim Parker.  “In July, 2019 we launched a community fundraising campaign for the purchase of the vehicles.”

With help from the Davis Health System Foundation, a fundraising goal of $266,234 was set for two replacement EMS service units.  The hospital allocated its own funds to purchase the first ambulance and began fundraising the amount needed for the second unit.  To date, approximately 61% of the needed funds have been raised through individual and community donations.

“We appreciate the support of local individuals, businesses and other organizations in our fundraising for the replacement units,” said McCourt.  “The need for these vehicles is apparent given the widespread, rural region which we service.  We are better equipped to meet the needs of Webster County residents.”

Webster County Memorial Hospital is just one of five critical access hospitals in the U.S. to operate a community ambulance service. In 2018, the EMS responded to more than 2,000 calls for emergency care or transport, and logged more than 150,000 miles among six response units.  In 2019, the units exceeded 150,000 miles and responses increased to more than 2,150 calls.  Dr. Robert Mace serves as the Medical Director of the WC EMS.

The 2019 vehicle replaces a unit that was twenty years old and had logged more than 380,000 miles of medical transport.

The Webster County EMS is available to answer questions about the new response unit and their services by calling 304-847-7570.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the Webster County Memorial Hospital ambulance fundraising campaign, can contact the DHS Foundation at 304.630.3043 for information. Gifts can also be made to The Davis Health System Foundation at PO Box 1188, Elkins, WV 26241.  Please note Webster Memorial EMS Fund on the memo line or in a note.

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