All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Mayor Robbie Skinner presents Madison Wamsley with the 13th and final Elizabeth J. 'Binky' Poundstone Memorial Scholarship Award at Buckhannon City Council's meeting last week. / Photo by Katie Kuba

Madison Wamsley awarded final Poundstone Memorial Scholarship

BUCKHANNON — The City of Buckhannon awarded its 13th and final Elizabeth J. ‘Binky’ Poundstone Memorial Scholarship last week to Madison Wamsley, daughter of Buckhannon Water Department employee Jerry Wamsley and his wife, Amy Wamsley.

Also the great-niece of longtime city water superintendent and public works director Harley Brown, Madison Wamsley plans to begin her freshman year this fall at West Virginia Wesleyan College, majoring in nursing. Madison will also serve as a Wesleyan Service Scholar.

“I’m honored to get this,” Madison said, after Buckhannon mayor Robbie Skinner read the proclamation at council’s Aug. 6 meeting. Skinner noted she worked for two years as a summer employee of the Buckhannon Water Department.

Pictured, from left, are Mayor Robbie Skinner, honoree Madison Wamsley, and her parents, Amy Wamsley and Jerry Wamsley, an employee of the Buckhannon Water Department.

Poundstone served as a city council member, city recorder, treasurer and mayor for the City of Buckhannon for 37 years, and following her passing while mayor on Sept. 7, 2000, the family asked that a scholarship be established in her memory.

Every August since 2008, a $500 scholarship is awarded to a “deserving student seeking to attend college whose parent or other guardian or family member is or had been an employee of the City of Buckhannon” or an employee who, in their own right, wanted to further her or his education, according to the proclamation.

City officials congratulated Madison, and city finance and administrative director Amberle Jenkins told council Madison was the final recipient of the Poundstone Memorial Scholarship because funds had been exhausted.

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