Learn about education in Upshur County at community seminars in March

Two Buckhannon-Upshur community education seminars are scheduled in March to offer the community and in-depth look at the local education system in Upshur County.

The seminars will be held Tuesday, March 5 and Friday, March 22 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Buckhannon Presbyterian Church, 13 S. Locust St. (beside Community Bank).

A covered dish dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m.; drinks and table service provided.

All are welcome for one or both sessions. Education is in the news with a new county school administration, a recently extended levy, a controversial bill in the legislature, a work stoppage of teachers, a continued low performance rating of our students in spite of a significant financial input.

Come and learn more about what is offered in our county and share over a meal with others who are interested.

Presenters: (not complete list)

March 5, Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.

  1. Jodie Akers, Mindy Stewart, Jodie Johnson: Panel discussion of TASC, attendance, learning disabilities, gifted, homebound and awareness of childhood trauma
  2. Debra Harrison, John Waltz: Post high school education opportunities, advanced placement classes
  3. Barb Tucker: Adolescent health education, tobacco, vaping avoidance and peer pressure diffusion
  4. Rebecca Call: Vocational technical training
  5. Debra Harrison: Wrap up

March 22, Friday, 5:30 p.m.

  1. Tammy Samples: Board of Education perspectives on Education First
  2. Bret Kimble: Charter schools, pro and con
  3. Craig Presar and Natasha Harris: WVU Extension, 4-H and CEOS
  4. Sara Stankus: Overview of symposium. Where do we go now?

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