TENNERTON – The Upshur County Board of Education last week welcomed Jake Bohman as the student representative for the 2020-2021 school year.
Upshur County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Sara Lewis Stankus introduced Jake and asked him to introduce himself to the BOE and those attending the Tuesday, March 9 BOE meeting. Jake said it was a pleasure to join in on the meeting and represent the Upshur County Student Body.
“I am the student body president at Buckhannon-Upshur High School,” he said. “I think it is wonderful students are here being involved.”
Jake gave an update on the first week of school during which students were back to in-person instruction four days a week.
“I would like to say it has been nothing short of fantastic,” he said. “Social distancing went well, and we are getting right back to learning, which I think is very important.”
Jake is a senior at B-UHS and said he was selected because he is the B-UHS Student Body President. He said the main thing he can help with is conveying his experience with re-entry into the schools.
“My experience has been fantastic,” he said. “Generally being in-person in school more is a lot better than distance learning, especially when it comes to adding structure for students. High school students, like me, can get lazy sometimes.”
Jake said information from students will be gathered through the student council and reported to the Upshur County BOE. He said students have the opportunity to present their concerns to the student council and he will bring those to the BOE.
Jake is the son of John and Suzanne Bohman of Buckhannon. At B-UHS he is taking an engineering class called Innovations in Science and Technology, which he enjoys and said provides him with a hands-on approach to learning.
“My future goals include attending Swarthmore College, which is right outside of Philadelphia,” he said. “I think I will major in history or economics, but eventually, I think I want to end up at law school.”
Jake is a Boy Scout and just recently earned his Eagle Scout Award. At B-UHS, he is a member of student council and Youth in Government.
“It’s great to be back in school,” Jake said.
B-UHS Principal Jonathon Pollock said it is an honor to have one of his students as a student representative on the Upshur County BOE.
“It is amazing, Pollock said. “First of all, it is great they involve our students in these opportunities. It is great that the BOE has a representative of the students.”
Also, during Tuesday’s meeting Upshur County BOE were introduced to three new Upshur Stars.
Kayla Yocum, technology/digital communication specialist for Upshur County Schools, introduced Cecelia Stewart as the first Upshur Star of the evening. Yocum said Stewart works at Union Elementary School.
“Not only does she complete her own duties with expertise, but she helps with all teams who need help,” Yocum said. “This includes food box distribution, cafeteria supply unloading, cafeteria sanitizing and most of all, she beams with love for our students and makes them feel safe and sound in their school environment. Congratulations to you and thank you for your dedication to the students and staff of Union Elementary School.”
Upshur County School Superintendent Dr. Sara Lewis Stankus congratulated Stewart.
“We do not have many custodians who are avid runners, but she is,” Stankus said.
The next Upshur Star was presented to Emily Morris, who is the front office supervisor at Union Elementary School. Yocum said Morris is a new addition to the school.
“She willingly accepts tasks that possibly unease her initially, then dives in to finding the resources with which she can complete the assignment,” Yocum said. “She fills the office with a positive force at all times. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.”
The final Upshur Star to be recognized was Elizabeth McClain, who teaches speech at Union Elementary School. Yocum said although McClain was not present at the BOE meeting, she was being recognized for her dedication to assisting Union Elementary School students.
“She works endless hours to complete her daily duties,” Yocum said. “She is always the first to step in when help is needed and often checks in to be sure she is doing all she can for the betterment of the school.”
Yocum said the three Upshur Stars are, according to Union Elementary School Principal Michelle Fleming, “prize-winning employees.”