All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Interprofessional Education Day with the WV School of Osteopathic Medicine

Alderson Broaddus University (AB) and the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) partnered for a day of interprofessional education on Wednesday, October 9. Alongside allied health students from each institution and up and coming doctors from the osteopathic medical program, Alderson Broaddus nursing and physician assistant studies majors worked in teams in clinical settings throughout various unique clinical scenarios.

The ongoing collaboration between AB and the WV School of Osteopathic Medicine reinforces the importance of health care providers working with people from within their profession, with people outside the profession, and with patients and their families to provide patient-centered care to improve health outcomes. During each demonstration, AB students acted as educators, showcasing the knowledge learned inside and outside the classroom.

“The demonstrations and clinical scenarios allow students to assume various roles and begin to practice before they are out in the professional field,” Director of Clinical Education Rachel Propst. “It is essential for each group to understand how to lead and how to follow.”

Students had the opportunity to witness and participate in a mock air evacuation courtesy of a helicopter demonstration by Air Evac Lifeteam, out of Summersville. The day wrapped up with case study analysis to develop specific plans to improve the “gap” in health care delivery situations.  

The interprofessional learning experience prepares students for team-based practice to better deliver high-quality, patient-centered care. This collaborative effort provides hands-on training and practice to address patient care issues for a healthier West Virginia.

About Alderson Broaddus University 

Alderson Broaddus (AB) University is a private, four-year institution of higher education located on a historic hilltop in Barbour County in Philippi, West Virginia. Since its founding in 1871, AB has been a leader and innovator in higher education, with accolades in the health and natural sciences.

AB stands out as one of the most innovative health education providers in Appalachia, pioneering the nation’s first baccalaureate Physician Assistant program of its kind in 1968, the first post-baccalaureate Physician Assistant Master’s degree program in 1990, and West Virginia’s first four-year Nursing program in 1945. For more information, visit

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