Happy Veteran’s Day from the students and staff at Hodgesville Elementary School. We celebrated our veterans on Nov. 7 with cookies, mints, punch and coffee.
Our honored guests were greeted by fifth graders and escorted to the gym which was decorated with student work in red, white, and blue. Fifth graders served as hostesses and entertained the veterans and served coffee and punch. PreK and kindergarten students began the celebration by leading the Pledge if Allegiance. Then each classroom made their way to the gym to say thank you and hand out heartfelt handmade cards.

Fourth graders researched each of the military branches and gave a brief report on the history and displayed the branch flag. Fourth and fifth grade chorus students entertained with My Country Tis if Thee and You’re a Grand Old Flag.
Following the presentations, veterans were invited to visit classrooms to share a read aloud with their children. Again, thank you to all veterans for their dedicated service to our country.