All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Here’s a how-to guide for taking care of county business online

BUCKHANNON – Residents who wish to conduct county-related business don’t have to leave their homes to do so, Upshur County’s administrator said Tuesday.

County administrator Carrie Wallace said she wants Upshur County residents to know that if they are practicing social distancing or avoiding public areas due to warnings regarding the coronavirus, or COVID-19, they can still accomplish many tasks via the internet or by mail.

“We want to remind the public that the courthouse is remaining open; however, many items that they would normally need to come to the commission or county offices for can absolutely be taken care of online today or at any time, whether or not we are dealing with coronavirus,” Wallace said Tuesday morning.

Permits, payments and applications may be submitted online or via regular mail.

“I just don’t want people to feel like they have to come to the courthouse to pay their taxes during this time when there are other options,” she said. “You can mail them, you can pay them online, and there are other options if you want to view maps that are in the assessor’s office – they’re all available online. Anything that’s found in the Upshur County Clerk’s Office is available online.”

The Upshur County Courthouse’s address is 38 W. Main St., Buckhannon, WV 26201.

Here’s a comprehensive list of online county resources to help you take care of county business online:

Upshur County Tax Office: 304-472-1180

Upshur County Clerk’s Office: 304-472-1068

Upshur County Assessor’s Office: 304-472-4650

Upshur County Commission: 304-472-0535

Upshur County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: 304-472-4983

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