Get your fill of pancakes and Rock Cave IGA’s signature sausage on Shrove Tuesday

BUCKHANNON — Tuesday, March 5, has several names — Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Fasnacht and Mardi Gras.

However, one thing is certain.

Plenty of pancakes and Rock Cave IGA’s signature “groundhog” sausage will be served up at First United Methodist Church’s Pancakes and Sausage Dinner from 5-7 p.m. March 5 at the church, located at 52 S. Florida St.

The community is invited to come celebrate with a delicious spread the day prior to the beginning of the Lenten season.

Kristi Wilkerson, director of Christian education and programming at First UMC, explained the significance of Shrove Tuesday.

“Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday when the church season of Lent begins,” she said. “It is also know as Fat Tuesday, or ‘Mardi Gras.’ Lent includes the 40 days leading up to Easter, and during Lent, some folks fast or abstain from certain foods such as meat, fats and sugars.”

Wilkerson said per tradition, pancakes are made to use up some of those ingredients — such as butter, sugar and syrup — prior to the beginning of the fast.

In addition, this year’s FUMC pancake and sausage dinner is a fundraiser for the church’s youth group, which will travel to Kansas City, Missouri in July for “YOUTH 2019,” a week-long conference held every four years for United Methodist youth.

Need another incentive to stop by for dinner?

Wilkerson says a pancake toppings bar is included in the dinner.

Dinner costs $7 for adults, $4 for kids ages 10 and under and is free for children age 2 and under. In addition, gluten-free meals and takeout meals are available.

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