Free meal pick-up slated for Saturday, March 27

BUCKHANNON — Another Free Meal Pick-up is scheduled for Saturday, March 27 at the First Presbyterian Church of Buckhannon, located at 13 South Locust St. Buckhannon, WV.

Note: Please look for a table set up outside the church in the gravel parking lot.

Important information:
When: Saturday March 27th, 2021
Time: 5pm-6pm or until we run out
Meal: chili dogs with macaroni salad and baked beans

We’ve started a free meal pick-up! Who are we?

Thomas Burrows is a member of Appalachian Peoples Front, and excited to organize direct action and mutual aid in Buckhannon and West Virginia.
Andrew Phipps, Linda Phipps, and Heather Schneider are some of the founding members of Buckhannon’s Really Really Free Market and Community Potluck.

Kim Howard has been working on a soup kitchen idea and is a member of First Presbyterian Church of Buckhannon. She started a discussion online about getting one going and this meal distribution will be a great jumping off point to expand that idea within the community. Robin Keough is an animal lover, active at Lewis Upshur Animal Facility and Vice President of Luv 4 Animals (a 501c3 rescue) where she helps save the lives of as many animals as she can.

We believe in community members helping one another so that everyone has everything they need to thrive. Keep an eye out for future dates and locations! We have more meals in the works.

Wear a face mask when picking up your meal; please and thank you.

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