All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Elementary school will create “Hodgesville Museum of Natural History” with grant

According to an Upshur County Schools Facebook post:

Hodgesville Elementary School is excited to announce they are the recipient of a STEAM Power WV grant for $3,020.

According the W.Va. Department of Arts, Culture and History website, STEAM Power WV is an innovative grant program that supports education initiatives for West Virginia’s Pre K-12 students. Partnering with the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, schools are encouraged to integrate arts with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) disciplines in their curriculum and educational programming.

With the grant funds, students at Hodgesville Elementary will experience the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh and in turn create a display to share with their classmates and families at the “Hodgesville Museum of Natural History.”

Topics of study include: Kindergarten – All About Animals; first grade – Rockin’ Around; second and third grades – The World of Dinosaurs; and fourth and fifth grades – Geology

Students will watch “Scientists Live” videos from the Carnegie, such as Jennifer Sheridan, Assistant Curator of Herpetology (Reptiles and Amphibians), as she talks about her trip to Borneo to study frogs. This episode of “Scientists Live” includes the answers to fun questions like, How do you catch a frog? Are there poisonous frogs in the USA? and How do you say “frog” in Malay?

Students will visit the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. While at the museum, science kits will be checked out for each classroom to take back to school for a more in depth study of the topic.

The grant will conclude with students learning how to create appealing displays from art teachers and building a class display to be a part of the “Hodgesville Museum of Natural History.”

Hodgesville Elementary School Grant

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