Don’t Miss: Wings of Wonder coming to Holly River

Three Rivers Avian Center will present their “Wings of Wonder – West Virginia Birds of Prey” at Holly River State Park this Saturday, August 18th.  The program will take place in the Anderson Activities Center of the Park at 2 PM and is free of charge. The public is invited to participate.  As each live bird is presented and its case history explained, the audience may ask questions, allowing the handlers to tailor the content of their program to the age and interest of those attending.  Ron and Wendy Perrone usually bring six birds which they have rehabilitated, representing Hawks, Falcons and Owls. They also discuss with the audience some possible ways that people can help wild birds as they try to adapt to the changing world around them and their loss of habitat. The Perrones have both received the Distinguished Mountaineer Award from Governor Joe Manchin III for their positive and proactive work in environmental education and wild bird care.

Three Rivers Avian Center publishes a quarterly newsletter, “The Raptor Chapter,” which is filled with information on various wild bird species. They can be reached through email: or phone: 304-466-4683.  Check their website for hours of visitation at the Three Rivers Avian Center located near Hinton, West Virginia.

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