Editor’s note: The following is a press release from Community Care of West Virginia regarding supplies of COVID-19 vaccine dosages in the wake of Governor Jim Justice’s announcement Wednesday, Dec. 30.
BUCKHANNON — Community Care of West Virginia is assisting in the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in our service area, but we wish to emphasize the limited number presently available.
Across our 15 health center locations, Community Care of West Virginia has been provided a small number of vaccine doses to date for existing patients over the age of 80 who will be contacted directly to schedule vaccinations.
As more come available, further existing patients in that age group will be notified and scheduled.
Additionally, Community Care of West Virginia will administer the 100 doses of vaccine that the Upshur-Health Department was provided. That will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 5 and presently all slots have already been filled for that day.
As more information comes available on future supplies, we will keep our patients and the public up to date.
Vaccines may be limited, but masks are not. Please continue to wear a mask in public, maintain distances of at least six feet from persons outside your household and wash your hands frequently.
Please check www.communitycarewv.org for more information as it becomes available.