All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Commission approves PRO officer agreement, votes to support a grant that would help transform environment in Upshur County Schools

BUCKHANNON – The time Upshur County Commissioners spent in session Thursday was relatively small, but commissioners Sam Nolte and Kristie Tenney voted to approve two proposals they hope will have a huge impact in Upshur County Schools and its student population.

The first action approved a grant application and agreement for to pay for a PRO Officer – Prevention Resource Officer – through the West Virginia DJCS (Division of Justice and Community Services) in the amount of $28,000. The Prevention Resource Officer supported through this proposal is for the officer located at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School, Cpl. CJ Day.

In the proposed grant application, it states the collaborative effort is between the Upshur County Board of Education, the Upshur County Sheriff’s Department and the Upshur County Commission to continue the employment of the PRO Officer. It further states the funding, if received from the grant, will impact 860 students and adds that this funding has been granted for the previous eight years.

Upshur County Commissioners voted to draft a letter in support of Upshur County Schools for a grant submission for the District Wide School Climate Transformation Grant. In the Commission’s letter of support, they wrote the project will work to improve the school climate and culture in Upshur County Schools by creating an environment that promotes strong relationships among students and school staff to diminish interruptions.

It is expected to help all students to receive a high-quality education and states the program is designed to improve student academic performance while preparing students to be responsible citizens and contributing members of the workforce by developing relationships with others, developing perseverance, problem solving skills and working toward long term goals. Finally, the project provides resources and support for students effected by the opioid crisis and/or trauma.

Members of the Upshur County Commission also voted to approve the resignation of part-time Deputy County Clerk Jacqueline P. Dinklocker, effective June 22.

“I would like to thank Jackie for all time and service,” Nolte said. “She was a total asset to the county and the Upshur County Clerk’s Office.”

Upshur County Clerk Carol J. Smith said Dinklocker is missed, adding Dinklocker offered to come back in and guide the new person once they are hired.”

“That’s wonderful,” Tenney said.

In other action, Upshur County Commissioners voted to approve the following:

  • Federal Aviation Administration Outlay Request for $50,027 for the Airport Improvement Program Project at the Upshur County Regional Airport.
  • A request from Tennerton PSD Manager Terry N. Gould to reappoint John Barnes to the Tennerton PSD Board effective August 1, 2019. His term will expire July 31, 2025.
  • The reappointment of Todd Payne to the Upshur County Farmland Protection Board as a ‘farmer representative.’ His term will expire June 30, 2023.
  • A request from Upshur County Assessor Dustin W. Zickefoose to employ Amberly J. Fealy as a temporary part-time employee, effective July 22, 2019.

The next Upshur County Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 25 at 9 a.m. in the Upshur County Courthouse Annex. The regularly scheduled Commission Meeting for Thursday, Aug. 8 has been canceled.

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