Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Council Chambers of Buckhannon City Hall, 70 E Main St, Buckhannon, WV 26201.
Board meeting agendas can be found at this link. City Council meeting agendas can be found at this link.
City Services for the upcoming week
Weather permitting, the Waste Department will follow its regular collection schedule this week, including Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Curbside recycling pick-up begins at 6 a.m. Pick-up is within the city limits of Buckhannon. Information about recycling is available on our website at this link, at City Hall, or by calling the Recycling Center or Upshur County Solid Waste Authority at (304) 472-4443.
NOTICE OF HOUSING ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING CANCELLATION – The City of Buckhannon Housing Enforcement Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, has been canceled. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers.
NOTICE OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CANCELLATION – The City of Buckhannon Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, has been canceled. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 21, 2025, at 7 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Consolidated Public Works Board Meeting, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. To participate virtually, join the GoToMeeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: this link. You can also dial in using your phone – (872) 240-3212, Access Code: 376-934-309.
Other Information
Reminder—All waste (garbage) must be in a garbage bag when placed in the collection bins (Polycart or dumpsters) – In certain instances, a full-size garbage truck cannot access a waste customer’s service area with heavy snow or ice accumulation. In this case, the department may use a pickup truck that cannot collect loose items, which could blow out the back of the truck.
Please ensure the department can access your garbage containers (Polycarts or dumpsters). If they are blocked by snow or a vehicle, your waste will not be picked up.
Reminder—Property owners must keep sidewalks clear – The City of Buckhannon urges all residents to exercise caution during winter weather. We also remind all residents that (per Ordinance 193 enacted by the council in 1982) property owners are responsible for removing and clearing all snow and ice accumulating on sidewalks abutting or adjoining their premises. Together, we can keep our sidewalks clear and residents safe.
Pay Utility Bills Online or by Phone – To make an online payment for your utility bill, click here. To pay over the phone, call 1-866-933-4026. Even if you do not wish to pay your bill using this method, you may still want to set up an account, which will allow you to monitor your consumption. To sign up for this service, complete the online registration, which includes knowing your Utility Board Account Number (printed on your bill) and the last amount you paid. Once your account is established, log in with the proper email and password.
Reporting a Necessary Repair or Registering a Concern with the City – To report a necessary repair, such as potholes, damaged street signs, an issue in a city park, etc., or any other matter that a city department should attend to, call City Hall during regular business hours and ask to submit a work order request, or report your concerns through our Citizens Engagement tool: this link. This will speed up the reaction time to a matter needing immediate attention.
Check the calendar on the city website homepage for updates throughout the week at this link.