All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

City Recorder Randy Sanders and Councilman Jack Reger at council's Sept. 15, 2022, regular meeting. / Photo by Katie Kuba

City council sets trick-or-treat hours, hires Colonial Arts Center consultant

BUCKHANNON – Buckhannon City Council voted to approve the day and time for Trick-or-Treat in the Buckhannon City limits Thursday during their regular meeting.

A motion was made by Councilman David McCauley and seconded by Councilman Dave Thomas that Trick-or-Treat in the city limits of Buckhannon will be Monday, Oct. 31, 2022, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The motion was approved unanimously.

Buckhannon City Recorder Randall Sanders announced during Thursday’s Buckhannon City Council meeting that Trunk-or-Treat will be held on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Buckhannon Public Safety Complex, located at 22 S. Florida Street.

Also, during Thursday’s meeting, Buckhannon City Council approved for Buckhannon Mayor Robert Skinner to sign a consulting agreement recommendation from the Colonial Arts Center Board of Directors.

Buckhannon City Director of Finance and Administration Amberle Jenkins said the proposal from the Art Center Board was for the hiring of a consultant that was more familiar with the operations of a facility like the Colonial Arts Center.

“It would be for someone who has more expertise, and we have that person available to us,” Jenkins said. “That person has been working with us all along.”

Sanders said when the CAC Board make the decision to hire Anne Wilson, according to his observation and working with her, was a great hire.”

“She has been a phenomenal person to be a part of the City of Buckhannon,” Sanders, a member of the Colonial Arts Center Board, added. “She is doing a great, great job. When we made that decision to hire her, it was with the understanding this is her first job and we knew she would need help with leadership. We knew she would need help in the world of arts, the writing of grants and pursuing different opportunities in that world, that is exclusive to that world. We sought to find a consultant that had already been helping us and that is k.b. saine.”

Randers said k.b. has been instrumental in providing invaluable support to the Colonial Arts Center by presenting a working organizational chart with identifying job descriptions and the roles of the CAC, the general manager and the Buckhannon City Council. He said this model will set the groundwork so that Anne Wilson – and/or the next person in her rol – will have a manual to which they can refer.

“It will not have to be rewritten again,” Sanders said. “k.b. will work with the program management staff with the input of the CAC Board to clarify the vision in the use of the Arts Center with the Board’s guidance and community messaging. This is a really good consulting package.”

Sanders said k.b. will help Wilson become a ‘really strong individual’ as well as providing assistance with ‘opening the theatre with strength and give us a really strong manager.’

“From the work I have done I think this is a really good bargain,” Sanders said. “I recommend we accept.”

The fee for saine’s consulting services is $12,000.

A motion to approve was made by McCauley and seconded by Jack Reger. The motion was unanimously approved.

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