BUCKHANNON — St. Joseph’s Hospital recently honored Caprice Tenney with the Valued Inspired Person Award (VIP) for the hospital. Caprice is a Physical Therapy Assistant at the hospital.
Her co-workers say that she is full of compassion and genuine hospitality. She follows and believes in the mission of St. Joseph’s Hospital, letting the love of Christ guide her at work and in the community. She does lots of little things that make all the difference for our patients such as finding clothes for patients to exercise in and even adjusting them to fit better, playing music she thinks they will like while exercising, and buying bird feeders to put in the trees for both patients and staff to enjoy.
Caprice always looks for creative ways to engage patients in their therapy. You can tell she truly enjoys her job, and her Christian values are evident on a daily basis, an award well-deserved.
St. Joseph’s Hospital honors staff members with the Valued Inspired Person Award (VIP) on a bimonthly basis. The VIP Award is given to those who demonstrate the Christ values of the hospital: Compassion, Hospitality, Reverence, Interdependence, Stewardship, and Trust.