All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Joey Aloi will be the featured speaker at the Buckhannon River Watershed Annual Meeting.
Joey Aloi will be the featured speaker at the Buckhannon River Watershed Annual Meeting.

Buckhannon River Watershed Association invites the public to virtual meeting featuring special guest speaker Dr. Joey Aloi

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. — The Buckhannon River Watershed Association will hold its annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. on April 14, 2021, via Zoom. This year’s event will feature a lecture by Dr. Joey Aloi, Buckhannon native and current resident of Charleston, West Virginia.

Aloi will present, “From Springs to Faucets: How Historic Transition Can Teach Us to Care for Our Water”. The lecture will explore the dynamic between the increased availability of tap water through municipal water systems during the late nineteenth century and the impact on mineral springs resort culture. 

With vast appreciation, the Association will also wish a fond farewell to Dr. Paul Richter as part of the event. Richter has served on the board since its inception in  2001, as a founding and integral member and later as the Chairperson. 

Richter’s dedication to the BRWA has directly resulted in improved water quality in the Buckhannon River watershed. Richter and his wife, Marge, plan to move to Virginia as early as July of this year. Please join us to celebrate Paul’s service to the watershed and the community. 

Additionally, the Buckhannon River Watershed Association Board of Directors and the WVDEP Watershed Improvement Branch will provide an update on the association’s current activities, future plans, and a look back at some highlights of BRWA work during the past twenty years. 

Incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in 2001, the Buckhannon River Watershed Association promotes, protects, and improves the health of the watershed by engaging in educational and outreach activities, advocating for wise use and protection of water resources through science-based regulations, and implementing remediation projects in problem areas.

Most recently, the association has successfully administered grant funding to construct acid mine drainage treatment sites in the Alton Ridge area. All interested individuals are welcome to participate in the BRWA activities.

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