BUCKHANNON – The Buckhannon Fire Department is fully staffed with the addition of a ninth career firefighter who was sworn in at city council’s most recent meeting.
Mayor Robbie Skinner administered the firefighter’s oath to newly hired probationary firefighter Marcus Miller at council’s June 1 meeting. Miller’s grandmother, Sherry Bailey, pinned his badge onto his uniform during the ceremony.

“It’s always a special time when we get to welcome a new firefighter into the fold at our city,” Skinner said.
The addition of Miller brings the paid staff up to nine firefighters, in addition to Chief J.B. Kimble. The city fire department was staffed with six paid firefighters until a close vote in July 2021 when council voted to add three more paid positions.
“I think tonight’s a very good night for him,” Kimble said of Miller. “His grandmother’s here with him, and it’s his mother’s birthday, so it’s a very exciting time for Marcus to start his career with the fire department.”
In addition to Miller, who is now a probationary firefighter, the BFD’s staff includes Firefighter First Class Maria Potter, Lieutenant John Brugnoli, Captain Brian Elmore, Captain Joey Baxa, Captain Linn Baxa, Lieutenant Tanner Smith, Firefighter First Class Ethan Smith and Firefighter First Class Shane Jenkins.
Kimble thanked city council for adding the new positions.
“I want to thank you all because we’re fully staffed at this time with Marcus Miller coming on board and being sworn in tonight,” Kimble said.

Before adjourning, council also took the following actions:
- Approved a proclamation declaring the week of June 4-10, 2023, as National Garden Week throughout the City of Buckhannon.
- Tabled a funding request from the Upshur County Senior Center until the city’s Revenue & Expense Review Committee can review the required documentation that must accompany funding requests for outside entities.
- Voted to sponsor the 2023-2024 Leadership Upshur program in the amount of $2,500.
- Approved converting approximately $1 million in funds from both the city’s Municipal Stabilization account and a city-owned Certificate of Deposit to a Raymond James higher interest account.
- Reminded the public that the July 20, 2023, regular city council meeting is canceled due to the 2023 World Association of Marching Show Bands Championship event.