BUCKHANNON — The Buckhannon Elks Lodge No. 1736 hosted their yearly Flag Day Ceremony on Sunday, June 13th.
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, since 1908, is the first and only Fraternal body to require formal observance of Flag Day.
The Lodge was assisted by members of Cub Scout Pack 128 and their Scout Master, and a demonstration of proper folding of the flag was given by members of American Legion Post No. 7, the Elizabeth Zane Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution delivered a moving Oration called, “The American’s Creed.”
The Buckhannon Elks Lodge 1736 wishes to thank all of those who assisted and came to see a ceremony that honors our United States American Flag.
In other Buckhannon Elks news, Michael Sharpolisky was selected as the Exalted Ruler of the Lodge 1736, and the Lodge recently sponsored the Hank Ellis Memorial Golf Tournament last weekend, Saturday, June 19 at the Buckhannon Country Club.
Lodge meetings take place at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at their headquarters, located at 47 N. Kanawha St. in Buckhannon. In July, August and December, meetings are hosted just once a month on the second Monday, but more information can be obtained by calling 304-472-9886.
To learn more about the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks locally or the causes they support, click here or contact a member.