All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Application deadline approaching for energy efficiency retrofit subgrants

The West Virginia Office of Energy (WVOE) is reminding eligible local government entities and nonprofits to submit applications for its Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program ahead of its February 28 deadline.

Through federal support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs, the WVOE plans to offer a total of 35 sub-grants up to $37,000 to local governments and 14 sub-grants up to $25,000 to rural community-serving nonprofits to complete energy efficiency retrofits. Examples of possible projects include HVAC upgrades, installation of energy-efficient lighting or appliances, weather sealing, window and door replacements and more.

“These subgrants provide a valuable opportunity for local organizations to make impactful upgrades that improve energy efficiency and reduce future costs,” says Jackson Igo, Energy Programs Coordinator for the Office of Energy. “With the deadline approaching soon, we strongly encourage all eligible entities to submit their applications before time runs out. This funding can help create lasting, positive change in our communities.”

The deadline to apply for this round of funding is February 28, 2025. Subsequent rounds will be opened until funds are expended. Interested entities are encouraged to visit the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant page of the WVOE’s website for full eligibility criteria and application instructions. Questions and completed applications should be submitted to the Office of Energy at

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