All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

And the winner of West Virginia’s first $1 million vaccine lottery is…

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Gov. Jim Justice welcomed West Virginians to the Capitol Complex on Sunday, June 20, 2021, to celebrate the State’s 158th birthday and to witness the first prize giveaway of the “Do it for Babydog: Save a life, Change your life” vaccination sweepstakes.

The governor was joined by Babydog, his pet English Bulldog and the official mascot of the sweepstakes, to announce the winners of dozens of prizes, including the lottery’s first ever million-dollar winner.

Karen Foley of Mineral Wells was named as the winner of the $1 million cash prize Sunday, taking home the biggest prize from the first of seven vaccine lottery prize drawings.

Melissa Spivy of Vienna and Ralph Paugh of Parkersburg were named as the winners of two brand new custom-outfitted trucks.

Meanwhile, Rebecca Osborne of Hurricane and Elizabeth Ball of Nitro were named as the winners of two full four-year scholarships to any public institution in the state

Additional prizes awarded Sunday included five lifetime hunting licenses, five lifetime fishing licenses, five custom hunting rifles, five custom hunting shotguns, and 25 weekend getaways to West Virginia State Parks.


$1 Million Winner
Karen Foley, Mineral Wells

Truck Winners
Melissa Spivy, Vienna
Ralph Paugh, Parkersburg

College Scholarship Winners
Rebecca Osborne, Hurricane
Elizabeth Ball, Nitro

Lifetime Hunting License Winners
Geneva Blake, Washington
Christopher Harvey Jr., Maben
Sabrina Morrison, Huntington
Dickie Roberts, Lewisburg
Shirley Young, Bomont

Lifetime Fishing License Winners
James Browning Sr., Dry Branch
Sharon Cope, Frankford
Andrew Humphreys, Charleston
Joshua Rakosi, Morgantown
Cathy Osborne, Rainelle

Custom Hunting Rifle Winners
Charles Moats, Philippi
Heather Petry, Scott Depot
Bryan Price, Hurricane
Christy Reger, Nutter Fort
Justin Myers, Hurricane

Custom Hunting Shotgun Winners
Xavier Alston, Fairmont
Stephen Barberio, Clarksburg
Deborah McNew, Princeton
David Shipman, Wheeling
Bonnie Taylor, Montcalm

State Park Weekend Getaway Winners
Thomas Binns, Elkins
Gerald Boone, Prichard
Carol Burge, Moundsville
Brandon Cork, Wellsburg
Victoria Dennison, Davisville
Deborah Dickens, Reynoldsville
Keith Ewing, Hico
Kevin Ford, Charleston
Bonnie Gibson, Princeton
Cathy Harless, Charleston
Edith Harrison, Parkersburg
Lisa Hewitt, Kearneysville
Kimberly Jackson, Princeton
Beverly Machir, Nitro
Travis Persinger, Fayetteville
Lana Plymale, Kenova
Wesley Runyan, Cross Lanes
Mary Anne Seckel, Morgantown
Jeff Sine, Falling Waters
Ronald Smith III, Huntington
Jason Thompson, Mount Hope
Caroline White, Fairmont
Lindsay White, Elkview
Jessica Workman, Crawley
Jaime Young, Wheeling

Additional lottery drawings will be held every week through August 4 and will feature all of the same prizes that were awarded Sunday. The final drawing will also include a $1.588 million grand prize and a $588,000 second prize.

With six more “Do it for Babydog: Save a life, Change your life” prize giveaways scheduled, all West Virginians who have received at least one dose of any of the COVID-19 vaccines are encouraged to register at to join the list of winners.

In addition to the prize giveaways, this year’s West Virginia Day doubled as a celebration of the State’s success in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the latest DHHR data, just 2,521 active COVID-19 cases remain across the entire state; the lowest such total since Sept. 3, 2020. Additionally, the County Alert System color-coded map currently shows 51 of 55 counties are in Green status, with zero counties in either the Red or Orange categories.

As a result, Gov. Justice announced during his address Sunday that he has signed an executive order, officially lifting West Virginia’s Statewide Indoor Face Covering Requirement.

Face coverings must still be worn where required by federal law. Additionally, any private business or school system can still require individuals to wear a face covering.

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