Treadmill donation SJMH
Members of the late John Oliver’s family who were present for the donation of a treadmill to the SJMH Cardiac Rehabilitation Department/Adult Fitness Program to honor John. Pictured left to right are granddaughter, Delaney Gump, daughter Debbie Gump, son-in-law Dave Gump, wife Dorma Oliver, son John Oliver, Jr, and department nurse manager Kristi Gannon.

Lewis County Heart Society donates treadmill to SJMH

The Lewis County Heart Society donated a treadmill to the cardiac rehab/ adult fitness program at SJMH.  This was in memory of John Oliver – long-time adult fitness member and cardiac rehab participant. John was also an active member of the Lewis County Heart Society and served as treasurer for many years.  After John came to cardiac rehab he realized the value of daily regular exercise.  From that time forward he was a faithful participant in the SJMH phase III/adult fitness program at SJMH.

“John would be pleased that another piece of aerobic equipment has been donated in his honor”, commented nurse Kristi Gannon.

The Lewis County Heart Society had its beginning when a very generous community minded lady by the name of Eliza Salzer left $150,000 (It is believed it was her entire estate) to Lewis County to be used for “heart use” within Lewis County. She died in Fleshers Nursing home on July 6, 1978.  She is buried at Macpelah Cemetery in Weston.

A group of dedicated citizens formed a non-profit corporation and have continued to judicially fund various heart related projects for Fire departments, the EMS, schools, churches and Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital fitness equipment. In the past they have purchased medications to individuals who were not able to pay for them. This became too expensive and the board of directors could not supply to all evenly.

Currently the Lewis County Heart Society is expertly administered by dedicated board of directors with medical and business backgrounds. They have continually maintained the initial startup gift using only the interest for all requested projects. They have received some donations but have not had any large attempts at solicitations.

Gannon concluded, “We are grateful for all dedicated board members who have faithfully served over the last 4 decades.”

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