Community Baby Shower offers new parents the chance to connect and provides resources as they begin raising a family

BUCKHANNON – The annual Upshur County Community Baby Shower was held June 13 at the Upshur County Recreational Park to help local mothers and families in a fun, welcoming environment.

Lori Ulderich-Harvey, director of the Upshur County Family Resource Network, said her organization and other local groups have been arranging the community baby shower for about15 years. The shower provides families with several necessities and reliable sources of information for any questions new mothers or fathers may have.

“Women are going up to the agencies that showed up today and getting access to health information, education, not just for them, but for their families,” she said. “We have a couple of dads here, which is great, and a couple of grandmas here, which is great, because they’re helping babies too. For the past two years we’ve had it in a parking lot because of COVID, so this year, we got to rent out the pool. We’re having pizza, Zuls and snacks over at the pool so the families can enjoy it.”

A variety of organizations provided door prizes, which were distributed at the end of the day.

“The prizes came from a very wonderful Walmart donation, private donations and other businesses that have helped us out,” Harvey said. “We have volunteers here from the FRN, SYCC and VIPS.”

Everyone in attendance received a complimentary diaper bag filled with baby necessities.

“It comes with the diapers, wipes, full-size lotions, wash, diaper cream, and washcloths — all the necessities,” Harvey said. “I would say they’re probably getting about $125 worth per bag.”

She said the event has continued as long as it has because having access to information is always a crucial part of raising a baby.

“We want to connect moms with services they may not have already known about,” Harvey said. “In a bigger event — in a normal year — we’ve had about 20 to 25 agencies. It used to just be mom and the baby, but now it’s the entire family.”

More information about the FRN’s resources can be found on their Facebook page.

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