All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Free chili dinner offered by WVWC student group Saturday at Chapel Hill UMC

BUCKHANNON – A student-run social justice advocacy group offers a free warm meal at least once a month to the community.

And guess what? Anyone is welcome.

The group who will hosting the free dinner is called the WE LEAD Poverty Reduction issue team, which is part of WE LEAD organization based out of the Center for Community Engagement at West Virginia Wesleyan College. The organization consists of various teams based on the social justice issues people are passionate about.

“Our objective is to advocate for people who do not have a voice,” said Ammanda Frame, coordinator for the WE LEAD: Poverty Reduction Issue Team. “Poverty comes with many faces, and people are often unaware that poverty surrounds them.”

Five members currently contribute to the poverty reduction issue team.

Throughout each semester, the team host one to two events a month.

And on Saturday, team members will be providing a free meal for the Buckhannon-Upshur community. The team provide all the food and supplies.

The dinner begins at 5 p.m. at Chapel Hill United Methodist Church.

So, what’s on the menu?

“We will be serving chili and an apple dumpling cake,” said Frame. “We aim to feed those who need a warm meal at least once a month.”

As for upcoming events, Frame said she’s looking forward to a March 19 event which happens to fall on WVWC’s Social Justice Week.

“We will be hosting ‘Poverty: A Showcase,’” she said. “Students will be able to submit any type of artwork, poetry, pose poetry, drawings, paintings, short films, etc. The community is invited to the showcase.”

The time for the event is still being finalized, so keep an eye out for updates!

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