SOUTH CHARLESTON, WV — The 2022 West Virginia Fishing Regulations Summary is now available online at Printed copies will be available at license agents and WVDNR district offices in early January.
Anglers are encouraged to review the new regulations to familiarize themselves with changes to the regulations. If you need clarification or have other questions, contact your local DNR district office. The numbers are located on the inside cover of the regulations and online here.
A new program and changes to a previous angling program will also take effect this year. The Master Angler Program is an exciting new opportunity for anglers to complete “slams” for specific fish species and also earn a lifetime award as a West Virginia Master Angler by completing all six slams. The rules and application can be found at under “Fishing Forms.”
The long-standing Trophy Citation Program is undergoing some changes beginning in 2022. The printed citations were completely re-designed and will feature new fish artwork from renowned artist, Joseph Tomelleri.
Additionally, instead of receiving a citation for each trophy fish reported, anglers will now get one citation for each species at the end of the calendar year, reporting the total number of trophies caught for that species. For example, if you submit 15 citation applications for rainbow trout and five citation applications for smallmouth bass, you will receive one trophy citation for rainbow trout, stating you caught 15 trophy-size rainbow trout and one trophy citation for smallmouth bass, stating you caught five trophy-size smallmouth bass. Each citation will also list the length of the largest trophy caught for that species.
The rules and application for the Trophy Citation Program can also be found at under “Fishing Forms.”