All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

No fire found after Tennerton Elementary evacuated Friday morning

TENNERTON – Students were evacuated from Tennerton Elementary School Friday morning just before 9 a.m. after something didn’t quite smell right.

A burning odor that sparked suspicions an electrical fire had broken out proved false, however, Buckhannon Fire Chief J.B. Kimble said Friday afternoon.

The Buckhannon Fire Department responded to the scene, but found no sign of a fire.

“It wasn’t a fire, actually,” Kimble said. “It was just an odor, and they did evacuate the schools. But we were able to let them back in after we found no fire.”

Kimble said the odor stemmed from some lint that had gotten into a heater filter that was recently changed.

Children were able to re-enter the building soon after the fire department was paged out.

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