All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

The City of Buckhannon’s Summertime dos and don’ts for residents, swimming pool edition

JUNE 22, 2022, BUCKHANNON — Now that it is officially summer, Buckhannon City Officials would like to remind residents of the rules for maintaining safe Swimming Pools & Other Water Features.

According to city ordinances, in the City of Buckhannon: “Private swimming pools containing water more than 24 inches (2 feet) in depth, shall be permitted only when located in rear yards, and further when completely enclosed by a fence or buildings or combination thereof of a height of six feet (6’) in the case of fences, and six feet (6’) or greater in the case of buildings, and generally protected in such a manner so as to avoid becoming an attractive nuisance, especially to children.”  

If cited by the City for a violation concerning Swimming Pools & Other Water Features, residents must take the necessary steps to resolve this problem within 15 days from the receipt of a notice. Untreated, stagnant pool water will need to be drained to prevent of breeding of mosquitoes.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of the importance of these rules. If you have any questions, please call City Hall at 304-472-1651.

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