Manage your email preferences

Need to change the email address for your account? Please click here.

You can manage which emails you receive from us on this page. Simply check or uncheck the box beside each list and hit save.

Please note that if you change your status to unsubscribed, you will no longer receive any emails from My Buckhannon, so we recommend you select ‘subscribed’ and simply uncheck the lists you no longer wish to receive. Also note that this page does NOT affect your premium membership, only the emails you receive.

Here is a brief description of each email list we offer: 

  • Daily Dispatch: Our daily edition is delivered to premium members early each morning with a summary of each story and a link to read more. (1 email per day)
  • Weekly Recap: A Sunday morning email recapping the top stories from the previous week. (1 email per week)
  • Top Stories: Get the full text of our top stories delivered directly to your inbox shortly after publication. (approx. 1-2 emails per day)
  • Membership Updates: Important updates and new feature announcements about your My Buckhannon Premium Membership. (approx. 1 email per month)
  • Local News and Events: Upshur County news updates and event highlights — free for everyone! (approx. 3-4 emails per month)
  • Special Offers and Discounts: Receive occasional special offers from local small businesses. We promise they’ll be worth it! (approx. 1 email per month)

Need to change the email address for your account? Please click here.

Subscription management form is only available to mailing lists subscribers.