Children’s Strawberry Blonde

Thu, May 16, 2024 10:30 am
Jawbone Park Stage

A unique competition for children aged 6 years and younger is set to take place in West Virginia, where participants will be judged on the color of their hair. The event, dubbed the “Strawberry Blonde” competition, will be judged by the WV Strawberry Queen, her court, and the Strawberry King.

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their little ones to compete in the event. The competition promises to be an exciting affair with prizes being awarded to the winners.

Moreover, the winners of the competition will also be invited to participate in the Junior Royalty Parade, scheduled to take place on Thursday evening.

The WV Strawberry Queen and her court are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the participants to select the winners of the competition. The Strawberry Blonde event promises to be a fun-filled occasion for families to enjoy. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to showcase your child’s beautiful Strawberry Blonde hair and potentially earn a spot in the Junior Royalty Parade!