Letter to the Editor in support of proposed school legislation

Editor’s note — This letter is in response to this OpEd: B-UHS Multicultural Committee speaks out in opposition to proposed legislation

Dear Editor, I am a concerned citizen of Upshur County and graduate of B-UHS Class of 1984.  I am retired military and I have children currently attending Upshur County Schools.

First, I want to express my concern that the committee at least six of the committee members listed in the OpEd are paid educators by the taxpayers of West Virginia.  This OpEd was written in opposition to House Bill 2157 and House Bill 2595, which is legislation preventing teachers from putting up displays public schools concerning teaching of sexuality in public schools.

It is a violation of civil rights to place a sign of acceptance of any sexual orientation, race or color in a West Virginia public school.  I would like to make reference to the W.Va. Department of Education website concerning Civil Rights Training. This PowerPoint presentation was presented Jan 2018 and is guidance for schools that accept federal funding and how to promote equal opportunity and combat discrimination. Page 8 of the presentation Methods of Public Notification bullet one says, “Must prominently display the And Justice For All poster at service delivery points.” If school wants to post a sign, why not And Justice For All? Schools are wanting a legal right to infringe the rights of others by speaking out against legislation to protect rights of all.

I feel that the OpEd is an attempt to create controversy where there really isn’t. This is an attempt to promote the critical race theory and indoctrination” of our students.  The OpEd goes on to say; “At this time in American History, it is imperative as ever to be open about the faults of our country’s past … Racism and sexism are fundamentally linked to our nations history.” The committee really is saying that because of our past that we are bigoted. This is not what our teachers need to teach. If they are a history teacher then teach the documented historical facts. Our students will understand the mistakes of the past. 

We all have rights. If you put up a sign in public school about LBGTQ or sexual orientation, then that is infringing on the rights of others that have their own right to make their own decision.  All students matter. The W.Va. Department of Education and Upshur County School Board has policy letters to ensure that rights of all are protected.  If students discriminate then they need to be counseled that all students matter.

Teachers need to teach the subjects that they are paid to teach and need to be prohibited from indoctrination coming from their personal opinions.  Today everyone seems to be empowered to create a controversy based on their political motivations. Parent’s must be vigilant and informed of the actions that public schools and what they teach our children. Our nation has made mistakes, but it is still a democracy for all and allows everyone the opportunity to be successful in their endeavors. Far too many men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend the Constitution and rights for all. Hold them accountable to provide the education that taxes pay for.

In closing, I support HB 2157 and HB 2595 and encourage residents of West Virginia to read the proposed bill and to make their own decision for the good of all students. Teachers have no right to promote rights of a sexual orientation, color or race and proclaim that because of the errors of our past history that another color or religious belief is wrong. If a teacher posts a sign, provides a presentation that does not support all students must be held accountable. The critical race theory and indoctrination of students must be stopped, and if necessary, by legal action.

Mike Roby

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