Warner asks citizens to volunteer now to be a poll worker for November 8 General Election

Charleston, W.Va –  In preparation for the state’s November 8th General Election, WV Secretary of State Mac Warner is asking registered voters to consider becoming a poll worker in their home county.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has designated August 16th as National Poll Worker Recruitment Day. This day of action is meant to assist poll worker recruitment efforts in communities across the country. August 16th is a special time to draw the public’s attention to the need for poll workers and how poll workers strengthen our democracy, inspire greater civic engagement and volunteerism, and help ensure free and fair elections.

“The State of West Virginia is pleased to join the EAC in asking interested individuals to consider becoming a poll worker,” said Secretary Warner. “Trained poll workers are an important part of the election process. In West Virginia, poll workers are paid for their service as well as for training.”

Established in 2020 by the EAC, National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is a day of action with the goal of encouraging potential poll workers to volunteer to work on Election Day. Some poll workers are also used for early voting in person.

In West Virginia, executive committees nominate poll workers. When nominated poll workers “call off” for any reason, county clerks’ offices must appoint alternates to fill the vacancies before Election Day. Poll workers must be registered to vote. To learn more about how to sign up to be an alternate poll worker, go to https://apps.sos.wv.gov/elections/PollWorkers/Register

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