All schools in Upshur County will close at 1 p.m. today. All B-UHS sporting events today are canceled.

Reactions vary as local elementary students sample rainbow carrots, dragon fruit and jicama

Hodgesville Elementary School is a recipient of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable grant from the WVDE Child Nutrition Department.

Each week students have the opportunity to try different fresh fruits and vegetables. So far students have tried rainbow carrots, dragon fruit, and jicama.

Reactions have been varied. Some students loved the rainbow carrots and asked for seconds while others thought cheeseburgers would be much better! Each teacher is teaching about the new food so students know where it grows, what it looks like, etc.

School cooks select what students will try, prepare the foods and talk to the students about it. Some days it is even included in their lunch.

As students made their way through the salad bar one day you could hear, “Look there’s dragon fruit in the fruit salad!”

A huge thank you to Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Arredondo for introducing our students and staff to new foods.

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