Most frequent questions and answers
My Buckhannon is a 100% local online newspaper that brings residents of Buckhannon, Upshur County and the surrounding areas new local stories daily. Our experienced journalists are out in the community every day working to bring you the stories that matter.
All the information that you submit is 100% encrypted and processed by one of the largest payment processors in the world. We work hard to protect your data!
Sure! Our monthly memberships offer a one-month free trial. If you don’t think My Buckhannon is totally awesome, just cancel before your first billing cycle.
Heck no! We are 100 percent locally owned and operated. Your money stays in the community, supporting other local businesses and organizations. Brian, Katie and Monica are all from right here in Buckhannon. We grew up here, went to school here and have chosen to make our homes here.
Canceling is easy. Just click on your Account Dashboard, select your membership and tap cancel. We’d hate to see you go, though!
Yes. All our memberships renew at their regular rates. You can cancel anytime — just go to your account dashboard to see when your membership is up for renewal and to cancel.